The Age of Peace
ISIS’s Call To War
by Jan Stephen James Cavanaugh, Ph.D. on 11/19/15Paris at war in opening chapters of WWIII.
Winds of War 2015 Election USA 2016
by Jan Stephen James Cavanaugh, Ph.D. on 11/16/15
The Winds of War 2015 Election USA 2016
To What Do We Entrust Our Children’s Future?
November 11, 2015jsc
The winds of war 2015 on this Armistice Day continue to quicken, and soon to become the opening storms of World War III.
It is the nature of war that each side adjusts and learns, adjusts and learns; to the victor the killing field to gut the enemy. The number of deaths from the war in Syria as a percentage of deaths compared to the population of the United States of America would be 2,000,000 killed, at least. This insensitivity to the deaths of others (Tirman) makes all party to and in a state of sin by abetting this grave injustice.
No one ought to be surprised at the ever increasing likelihood of World War III. With the talk of war and more war dominating the evening news and no talk of avoiding WWIII, World War III will be with us soon enough.
The winds of war 2015 can be felt as a “south-wind rushing warm” (Tennyson), a feeling in the bone and people are afraid for the future of their children's grandchildren.
How do these feelings play out in Election 2016? How does an uneasy electorate respond to those who reason the world is more at war because President Obama’s policy of war have been make by his opponents to seem weak has failed them? Obama’s emphasis on diplomacy and rule of law made to seem weak, un-American. In majority does the electorate trust those who tell them Americans make the enemy feel the heel of our boot first, and deal with the consequences later, as seen in the rear view of Bush's Doctrine of War? Those seeking power say “trust us”, we will get war right this time: adjust and learn. Will the rule of war be the will of “we the people” in 2016?
Obama's nuanced use of American Forces can be unnerving to a fearful mind in the face of growing enemy. He entrusts our children’s futures to an evolving long-term strategy of war: Commander in Chief, U.S. Special Forces, targeted missions, small-footprint military and large-footprint diplomacy. Will diplomacy and rule of law be the will of people in 2016?
How will the winds of war 2015 impact U.S.A. Election 2016?
September 21, 2016 - September 21, 2050
by Jan Stephen James Cavanaugh, Ph.D. on 10/30/15
September 21, 2016 - September 21, 2050
Age of Peace or Age of Catastrophe?
March 18, 2012jsc
There is a real possibility that humanity may go from the Age of Terrorism to the Age of Catastrophe rather than the Age of Peace. So, to say there is a lot at stake is an understatement.
Premise: When the next Arab Spring comes, and it will come, it will be Humanity's Season of Justice. If we will it.
To make that happen imagine this date: September 21, 2016. Picture this in your mind, the well-disciplined non-violence heart of humanity rising up, as in standing up, not with the sword of war, but rather, the sword of justice to strike at tyranny by whatever name. Billions in the streets marching in the name of Justice and if blood must be shed let it be shed as those who come in the name of Love. In the action of non-violence the blow received not delivered. We, Christians, Muslims and Jews in particular are on the verge of Great War. In the name of Love, Abraham our Father, we must do what our God of Love asks of us. What is needed has been modeled for us, if we are to become a global humanity living in peace with one another under the rule of law. And we must be wise, for as Fredrick Douglas declared, "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will".
What is Humanity's demand? Justice. We must be the thing we want to become.
The battle cry, echoing around the world and witnessed on global TV is, "Global Justice for Global Crimes, Local Justice for Local Crimes."
There are hopeful signs. In 2012 there are nations of peoples supporting the development of international justice. ‘
These next steps are to be launched in 2017.
It is time for we the people of the U.S.A. to get on board, or we betray the "great experiment" that our Founders intended.
One of the most important questions of Election 2012 USA needs to be: Are we the people going to side with international justice and get on the right side of history? Let it be that the Titanic of Modernity called the United States of America corrects course in time, putting our faith in Justice as our Constitution demands. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, justice not power was to be our mark on history. By this standard we are way off course.
In the streets, a billion plus strong on September 21, 2016 sets in motion the global human will, a synergic surging of human energy channeled to build the infrastructure of the next level of global justice. Its name shall be World of Nations, to be formally inaugurated on September 21, 2020.
September 21, 2016 is the target date for billions of humans to occupy the streets with drummers on every street corner and cross roads, all tapping the same tune, and chanting, all heard on global TV, " Global Justice for Global Crimes, Local Justice for Local Crimes, Local Justice for Local Crimes, Global Justice for Global Crimes". These are coequal principles and the foundations for the movement of Justice by and for the people democratically derived according to the highest standards of love (Love is Universal), ensured, first according to local traditions, and when that does not work, a global justice police force backed up by special forces must step in. First Duty: Stop the Killing.
In time, as global law develops both in theory and practice there will need to be a planet Earth Supreme Court. We must do all us can to prevent World War III and the Age of Catastrophe that will follow, and law is the answer.
As of the spring of 2012 war and more war remains on the horizon, a red dawn sailors take warning morning sky. Even if the U.S. returns all troops from Muslim lands as our enemy demands that the U.S. continues to support the House of Saud. This will mean war with Muslims who want that terrorist regime to end. Ending support for Saudi Arabia was one of Al Qaeda's six demands in their 1996 declaration of war. Of course an enlightened House of Saud would work with its people that the freedom and equality of woman is a natural human right. In this way men are free. And, the hope of the Arab Spring in 2011 with each sides' continued protection of terrorist regimes, this comes up against the long hard story of how democratically grounded change takes place in human history. Of course the East calls the West terrorist in nature. It's messy. Even so, the direction of history to date trends to reveals an innate human desire, seemingly part of our God given spiritual DNA; a desire for peace. At peace in a community in which the "I of me" is able to have a voice, one vote, fairly counted, in the conduct of affairs at large. For is it not in Justice that "we the people" are free to live in tranquility as the first line of the Constitution for the United States of America states so eloquently? But with the Doomsday clock for humanity recently set one minute closer to "there rain'd a ghastly dew" ( Tennyson's "Locksley Hall), the terror of war seems our likely course through the next stage of global human development. What will emerge? A more war like humanity or a more law like humanity, is in the balance. The Age of Peace or the Age of Catastrophe?
When the doomsday clock steps back we will know we are on the right path.
Given the scope of this project and what is a stake, avoiding World War III may still go down in history as a "close call".
But there is still time to get a billion people disciplined in non-violence occupying, and refusing to cede the streets till war is done. But take warning, if this movement is not started on September 21, 2015, the course to the Age of Catastrophe may be inevitable.
In summary, the time line to hopefully avoid World War III, and the Age of Catastrophe: Humanity on the march, International Peace Day September 21, 2014 demanding justice, and on September 21, 2016 demanding on September 21, 2020, a World of Nations, the Third Step needed to achieve the Age of Peace. And, every September 21 thereafter till on September 21, 2050, the Age of Peace and the World of Peoples is declared. If a critical mass of us wants this it can happen.
Image, believe, pray, act, and these time lines can happen. God willing.
Six Hundred Words To Change The Course of History
by Jan Stephen James Cavanaugh, Ph.D. on 10/20/15President Obama speaks to United Nations September 21, 2016. International Peace Day.